Left the guest house at 7am. Very clear sky today and the highway was really smooth.
Did an average of 120-130km/hr apart from the 5 traffic lights along the way.

There was a really bad traffic accident where a bus crashed into a tree and overturned.  It's at where the red icon is at Phichit. I hope there weren't any people hurt.

I stopped by at a petrol station at Nakonsawan city to top up my petrol tank.

Some useful Thai phrases to be used when topping up - Kao-Sip-Ha, Deng Tank Kup . It means Use the 95 petrol, top-up full tank. If you prefer to top-up 91 petrol which may mess up your engine, it would be Kao-Sip-Neng instead

Then park it at the side for toilet break.

These big petrol stations have plenty of shops, this one even have a supermarket and a 7-11 convenience store.

As no breakfast was provided, I got a stick of fried Ngoh-Hiong (五香)for 20THB as my breakfast.

Reached the Historic City of Ayutthaya at about 11am.

Perhaps it's the long weekend holiday, lots of local tourist visited here. Of course, there are foreigners like me as well.

After parking the vehicle, you will have to walk through these stalls, reminds me of a mini-Chatuchak in Bangkok.

They sell all kinds of knifes as well.

There are no entrance fee, wow.
This structures were dated to the 14th century, after the one I visited yesterday in Sukhothai.

You can even pay to take a ride on the elephants.

Then, I move off to the main Ayutthaya town where the hotel I have booked is located. Took about 15mins to reach from the tourist site.

The Ayutthaya Grand Hotel for SGD52/night, the room is really spacious with a L-shape sofa.

King size bed.

And bathtub.

It even has a pool.

This town have lots of Japanese and Korean restaurants. As recommended by Google map, I had chosen this Kuroda Japanese restaurant.

Had a Shashimi moriwase for 350THB. Nice food.

Beside the hotel is a night market. I setup my iphone for a time lapse shot of them setting up the stores.

How can I missed out the night market where it is just downstairs.

At night it looks quite nice.

The night market seems to be selling everything. It's quite a big place.
There is a stall that sell steam white rice by the packet.

One of the cheapest BBQ red snapper I have seen so far. 140THB for a small one, not that small actually.

Or you can have it steamed, at a cheaper price.

Then I saw this stall selling BBQ Quail, I have never eaten one before. So I bought one, 25THB for a small one and 30THB for a big one.

Taste like gamey roast pigeon.

They sell all other stuff, from leather belts,

to satellite dish,

to firearms, just kidding, these are air-pistols.

Even puppies.

And a Japanese style game of catching goldfish using paper net. Skills needed to scoop up the fish without breaking the paper scoop. Once the paper breaks, you will need to buy a new scoop, that's how they make money.

Overall, quite an interesting market to visit if you happens to be there.
Will be heading over to Bangkok tomorrow, which is about 2hrs away.

Day 45 - Ayutthaya to Bangkok
