SE ASIA - DAY 60 - PHUKET - Free and Easy

Another sad news on a boat that exploded at Phi Phi Island, an option I did consider few days ago. Luckily I wasn't in this boat.

Today is really meant to be a rest day, getting recharged for the long journey for tomorrow to Hatyai.

Of course, how can I not eat a lobster before leaving Phuket.
A 500g lobster cost THB1,600(SGD66), probably the most expensive meal I had in this trip.

I must have tried like 5 restaurants, this Song Pi Nong 2 restaurant is highly recommended. They even provided free Mango Sticky rice to every customer table.

I mounted up one of my side panniers and have the chain oiled, all ready to set-off for the 7.5hrs journey tomorrow. Hope it doesn't rain on my way there.

Day 61 - Phuket to Hatyai


  1. Have a safe ride to Hatyai.

    1. Thanks, I arrived in Hatyai safely, the ride was smooth, apart from a few dangerous bends marked with red coloured tar road, as long as one doesnt try to full throttle during these bends or generate some sparks with their kneel guard, it should be quite manageable.

  2. Uncle Max, please bring one of the lobsters back! It looks super yummy!! Stay safe and dry!

    1. alamak, i already crossed over to malaysia leow, i go market buy prawn for you.


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