SE ASIA - DAY 32 - JINGHONG(景洪) to Luang Namtha

Ok, so I decided to come back to Laos just to catch on the schedule today.
There were two bus going back to Luang Namtha everyday, first one on 6.40am, the next at 10.40am. I decided that I should go for the 10.40am to avoid rushing.

Actually, you can buy the ticket from WeChat but the system currently support users with China Identity card only, went to the bus station and bought the ticket.

I got scammed for 10RMB with them squeezing 10RMB of insurance into it which I have already covered from my travel insurance. Oh well.

The bus stopped half-way in Mengla town and I had a noodle for 6RMB (SGD1.20), taste rather good I must say.

Then to the Mohan border town, with spray paint advertisement of firearms 0.o .

Different places you can go from the Mohan border town in China.

The Mohan border crossing side in China.

And the Laos counterpart. I paid 20K KIPs when getting out of Laos. When coming in, I put 20K Kips on the table and the officer give it back to me. Hmm, ok.

The golden pagoda of Laos border.

3 Stamps pretty much summarize my journey

Day 33 - Luang Namtha to Huay Xai
