SE ASIA - DAY 15 - SIEM REAP - Free and Easy

Decided to stay another day in Siem Reap and roam around the streets. When I wanted to extend the booking from, the cost of the same room rate have appeared to have double in price for what I have paid (o_O) from USD42 to USD80.  So I went down to the reception and see if they can extend another day for the same rate of USD42. Wonder why have priced themselves out of the competition. Anyway, I got my room at the desired price from the reception.

In Siem Reap, Angkor seems to be a very popular word to be used. It actually means "City" in Khmer. Christmas decoration is starting to be put in place all over the world, including Siem Reap.
This is the front of the DFS shopping area that is beside the Angkor National Museum where I am visiting.

Tickets are sold at USD12 per adult. Here, you get to learn about the history of the Ankorians.

After that, I strolled along the Charles De Gaulle and Highway 6 and came across this cluster of white tents. They are selling local agriculture products.

I have seen so many of these local green oranges. Didn't manage to try one of it.

Lovely sunflower plants, did it not brighten up your mood when you see one ?

Guess what are these ?

Yes, tomato plants on sale. How I wish I have a bigger plot of planters in front of my house to grow these.

Even rice crops on display.

Then passed by a local shrine, where the locals do their prayers.

Outside it are stalls selling items required for the prayers, noticed here are also people selling caged birds you can earn karma by freeing them at a cost. If it's true, I am just wondering how negative in karma level are those people trapping/selling these birds.

Passed by these tourist shopping area, targeted at Chinese tourists

that arrived in bus loads,

Wonder why there arent any Angmo version of these souvenir shopping centres, maybe it is more of  the Chinese culture to bring back souvenirs to friends and families whenever they go for holiday.

Stopped by this KB Barber shop to have a haircut, USD3, very nice service. I suspect the locals only paid half of it by observing how much they handed over to the cashier. No menu or price transparency here, but I am happy to pay the USD3 for a nice hair-cut.

Passed by this Lucky Mall, thought of going in to get infused with some luck here.

All kinds of ATM inside.

Where they can dispense both Cambodian Riel or US dollars,

There is a good size supermarket here, one of the best way to get a good feel of the standard of living here.

Ok, it's a high-end supermarket, I am sure you can get stuff at fraction of this cost at the local wet market.

My favorite measurement is the 1 litre of Ballantines 12 years, USD14.90 here. Appears that big supermarket are cheaper than the smaller ones.

Even Minisou have found themselves into Siem Reap.

Suddenly, I felt myself to be back into the urban world.

Then it was lunch-time, saw this Lucky Shabu house featuring personal steamboat buffet at USD6.50 per pax.

With conveyor belt of delivering all kinds of ingredients to your steamboat. I choose Tomyam soup, it was good, especially with the Cambodia beer at USD1.25 per small bottle.

Noticed some of the monks are having lunch there as well.

Walked to the Night Market Street, lots of shops are opened even during the day time.

Tried out this fish massage at USD2 with unlimited time.

3 different tanks with different sizes of fishes. They one with the largest fishes have the best ticklish experience.

Then more exploration of the area, with shops offering USD0.50 per Ankor Draft.

Will be exiting Cambodia into Laos tomorrow, it's gonna be a long ride and dealing with all sorts of corruptions there, wish me good luck.

Day 16 - Siem Reap to Four Thousand Island(Laos)


  1. Any issues with documents from thai to cambodia..?

    1. From what I have read, the Poi Pet border is known to reject entry of motorcycle unless you have obtained the right permit, which involves getting a travel agency to apply for it at a cost. There were also success story but its a hit and miss. I have entered through Koh Kong, where they seem to be quite relax about the rules. When I exited at Stung Treng border, they asked me for the Motorcycle custom papers and I claimed that the Koh Kong border didnt issued me any. Then the officer explained that it is not legal to enter without the custom papers and he "make secret" with me and let me go. I thanked him for his kindness, but did not offer anything else but a Thank you handshake..... :)


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