The thunder roared all night and the rain was still very heavy when I woke up at 5am.
I was thinking if the rain would stop by the time when I finish my breakfast and checked out.

Breakfast was served at 7am. I am also their first customer of the day. Nice breakfast choices they have but I was busy checking the Internet on the rain cloud movement and neglected taking pictures of what they offer there. 

Then the rain miraculously reduced to a small drizzle.
So I quickly finish my breakfast and go back to the room to check out, along the way, I passed by the Hotel reception office and they are closed : (  .  Then, I wasn't sure when will the office be opened.

So I carried my side-pannier and mount it on the bike and when I passed by the office again, they have just opened, sharply at 7.30am. Immediately, I checked out and get ready to move out.
I was thinking, everything going so smoothly, there must be a great day waiting for me out there.

I wore my protective gear, rain-coat over it , water-proof shoe-cover and by the time I reach the bike, I was already sweating profusely. Quickly started the bike and moved on, listening to my favorite playlist using my blue-tooth earphone inside my helmet.

There is only one main road in Hua Hin, that leads all to the way to highway 4 and then to Bangkok. 
At the end of Hua Hin town, the traffic slowed down to a crawl. Then I realized that the road in front was flooded. The rightmost of the three lanes are still passable to traffic and I managed to get through it without getting my feet wet, thanks to the waterproof shoe cover.

Then the rain changed from a small drizzle to heavy drizzle, then to moderate and then cats and dog rain !  I had to wait in one of the petrol kiosk for the rain to get lighter before resuming again, but only manage to cruise at 60km/hr.  I encountered two more floods before one huge one that goggle map suggested that this was going to be a 1 hour jam.

This flood spans about 200 meter long and the water level was up to the height of about 30cm. Only the two right most lanes are passable but those big tucks were moving slowly on the 3rd right most lanes. It was really those wait 20 seconds, move 2 meters, wait 20 seconds kind of jam. My feet got a good soak of the all natural yellow mineral water of Hua Hin. When those trucks moved besides you, they will displace the water and the water actually does push the bike off side-ways, terrifying experience indeed. I have to grab hold of the bike to prevent it from dropping. Otherwise, dropping it in the water on the right side would mean water seeping through the exhaust into the engine. The engine will refuse to start and it would be a GG disaster for me in the middle of that flood.

During those moments, I didn't really had the mood , guts or energy to take out my camera and take pictures.  When I checked my dashcam at the end of the ride, the newer videos have already been overwritten it.

Needless to say, my shoes got wet again. So are my pants and the rest of my body.
It's not a pleasant feeling.

After going through that flood, the sky starts to brighten up.
The rain finally stops, traffic gets smooth again.
I finally reach the edge of Bangkok and I navigate myself to the ferry point.

If you are not aware of, motorcycles are not allowed to cross the bridges in Bangkok. If you are caught, you will be required to pay off hefty fines. 
In order for motorcycle to cross these rivers, you will need to take a ferry. 

Based on my research, there are two ferry points for you to cross these rivers in southern Bangkok.
Coordinates - 
Top     - 13.6825668,100.5861317
Below - 13.6567334,100.540955

I took the one below. It's called Phra Pradaeng Pier.
Once you reach the pier, you will see a bunch of motorcyclist already on the platform. Just stop on the platform and wait.

Then this lady will come and collect THB10(SGD0.40) from you and hand you a receipt.

Before you know it, the platform will start its motor and it will carry you and the bike across the river. The whole journey takes less than 5 mins. I manage to take a shot of another platform, even cars can be loaded up onto the platform.

Once the platform reach the other side, just start your engine and ride away. The crossover ram to the land portion is very safe, not to worry.

The ride to Pattaya is quite frustrating. They have highways all the way to Pattaya but motorcycles are out-of-bounds. You have to take the side road beside the highways and lots of big trucks enters or exit from these side roads.  

By the time I reached Pattaya, I am almost dry from the sun and wind. Just 5km away from hotel, there was a sudden heavy down-pour and I am back into fully wet again. : (

The Bella Villa Serviced Apartment, SGD41/day - no breakfast.
Tomorrow will be a rest and relax day in Pattaya, after which I will then be heading straight into Cambodia !
