SE ASIA - DAY 14 - SIEM REAP - Free and Easy

Most people will get to Ankor Wat early in the morning and witness the legendary Ankor Wat sunrise. By the time I reached there, the whole place was filled with people getting a good spot to see the sunrise. I should have learned from the Youtube video about starting from the furthest temple and working myself back to the main temple, this way I should have been able to avoid the crowd.

Not to be missed, taking shots of my bike being in Ankor Wat. Bikes of such sizes are very rare in Cambodia. Most of the bikes you can find here are those 125cc scooters. My bike do draw curious stares from the locals each time. Some friendly ones will start asking me, "Bike how much ?".

Crowds queuing up just to have a chance to climb into one of the towers.

There are some shops around but at touristy prices. This fried rice with ice coffee at USD7.

Rode to many other temple sites, it 's a huge compound.

By noon time, I was totally exhausted. You don't need 3 days, half a day is more than enough for me.
Still, Ankor Wat is worth a visit at least once in your life-time.

A time-lapse video taken using my action cam. Available in full HD from youtube.

Then I came back to hotel, refreshed and went to a nearby local eatery for a late lunch.
Saw this Khmer noodles, pretty decorated with all kinds of nice flowers. I thought even if the noodles are not that delicious, the look and presentation would have been a worthwhile experience.

They served this mild but nice tasting ice tea.

Then the noodles came, it did not turn up to be what the picture look like. That was one nice pre-sales presentation, delivery part always difficult to satisfy the expectations.

So what happens is that they blended all the flowers into the yellow paste that you see on the picture.
Then they added a lot of fine tasting herbs onto it, these only appear after I try to loosen up the noodles.

It tasted like the Malay Longtong soup with Chor Bee Hoon, added a slight twist of coconut milk flavor. Once you bite into the herbs, it releases a lot of other fresh herb flavors, very close to the Vietnamese noodles, very nice. USD2.5 in total with a small bottle of Ankor beer.

Day 15 - Siem Reap - Free and Easy
