Day 8 - 05 Aug 2017 - Riding around Taiwan - Heading back to Singapore - *END*

Went to the Tourist Wharf to fly my drones.

and roamed around before returning the scooter.

I started with 24,592 and ended the trip with 25,700. Rode a total of 1,108km for the last 8 days.

So the boss of the scooter rental shop assessed the damage from my skidded fall and told me the cost is NTD6,500.(SGD292) He mentioned that he would be fine if I replace the parts from some other shops. I dont't think it's worth the effort and so just paid him, it's not very expensive either.

It's quite a shame not to be able to complete circling one round of Taiwan as I have wanted to. I also feel that one week is quite a rush if you wish to spend some time exploring the interesting places along the way. Two weeks would be great and you can even do a figure 8, passing through Alisan阿里山.
Perhaps I will plan another attempt when I have the time in future.


  1. Hi Max thanks for writing about your Taiwan ride. I also did a ride there and will return to ride more in the future. I might try your rental shop next time but I wish I could find a regular motorcycle rather then scooters as I find the feet forward position transferred too many bumps to my lower back. The Taiwan cross island highway is a must ride. You can see my ride in Taiwan at regards, Warren.

    1. Hi Warren,

      Thank you for your comments. I did consider a regular motorcycle but later decided on a scooter. It was largely due to the under-seat storage options available which saved me from lugging a heavy bag while visiting various places along the way. I do agree with you on the less comfortable posture on prolonged riding. It would have been great if there are options of rear box but it is quite rare in Taiwan.

      You have a great website and I would love to follow your trails some day. At the meantime, I am planning for a 2 months ride to SE Asia. Will share more on my site when I get to it.

      Do keep in touch.

  2. Thanks for your ride report and all of the details Max. Well done.
    This will help me plan my 3 weeks ride for next June-July.
    Where do you plan to ride for your 2 month SE Asia ride?
    I live in Chiang Mai.
    Actually, I'd go to Taiwan just to try this! ;

    "I would like to introduce a very nice Taiwanese food, the milk fish, 虱(shi)目鱼.
    It's either cooked with porridge or just plain soup, with ginger.
    The fish is sweet and fragrant, very very nice. "

    Best wishes,

    1. Hi Ron, thank you for your comment. My SE Asia have already covered half of the trip at this moment, I just got back to Laos from China. Read more about it here ->

      Based on my current schedule, I will likely to be in Chang Mai sometime during Xmas to commence my Mae Hong Son loop. Do let me know if you are available for a beer session in Chang Mai.
      Ha ha ha, the milk fish, yes, it is definitely worth a try. Very nice. Let me know if you need more details and I would be most glad to share what I know.

    2. OK Max, we could meet in Chiang Mai, although on Christmas Day I'll be fully occuoied being Santa. MHS loop is good. Very cold here now though, more-so in the mountains. How can we share contact info privately? Regards, Ron

    3. Max, maybe if I put my email and/or telephone # here you could note it but not publish it?
      Take care. Ron

    4. Sure Ron, the comments are moderated, will delete it and not publish it.


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